Memories of a Cherished Friend. Margaret was my "best friend" while growing up in Gt. Stone Road, Northfield, Birmingham. There were actually three of us - all "best friends" - Margaret, Janice (nee Turner) and myself. As far back as my memory extends Margaret is there. Such wonderful memories of a childhood filled with love, security and happiness. I cannot recall one single quarrel between us. Just hours of pleasure. I loved playing in Margaret's house which was directly across the road from my own home. It was apparent that we were always made welcome "over at Margaret's" where we would play underneath their table and it became our den, castle or whatever we wanted it to be. We spent hours during the holidays just roaming the fields right behind my house although we soon vacated them when it was time for the herd of cows from a local farm to start moving into them! We picked wild flowers there and played with our simple toys - nothing computerized back then. When we were a little older and the war was over we went on our bikes and cycled and cycled in the countryside. There was so much freedom for children where we grew up although I must admit we kept our eyes open for an appearance by Blackberry Kate, a rather disreputable old lady who looked quite frightening to us. Knowing and playing with Margaret was a major part of my life. I left this country in the mid 1950s and lost touch with Margaret but I always remembered Margaret, Janice and those lovely childhood years. When I returned to Gt.Britain in the l980s it was Margaret who found out where I lived - back in Warwickshire - and she came to visit whilst on a holiday in the Cotswolds only to be told we had moved just 6 weeks earlier. She obtained my address in Devon and wrote to me in l988. I still have her letters and the pride she took in her family shines through the pages. They were visiting various Universities with John and Jane was taking her school exams in the l988 letter. Year by year I was brought up to date on their progression in life.We eventually graduated to e-mails and phone calls and kept up to date with each other. It was such a pleasure to talk to her about those childhood days and it was always Margaret who remembered the names of teachers and classmates from St.Laurence C of E School and also the people who had lived in Gt. Stone Road whose names were lost to me. She was also a tremendous help when I started into the Genealogy thing. It was the delight of her life when the grandchildren arrived and she told me she regretted not being physically able to do what she wanted to do with them. I believe she managed wonderfully and accomplished more than most in that respect but then I believe she was a very capable and positive person. I never knew what a great cook she was as I had missed that part of her life but I remember being very impressed when she said she was going to make pavlovas to take to Jane's home (Jane had told her not to bother). That was during her unwell years! Margaret always mentioned how David was such a great help to her both in the kitchen and otherwise. My great delight was when David drove her up to Norfolk to my home in 2006. When I saw Margaret for the first time since the early 1960s it was just like looking at her dear childhood face and I think we both shed a few tears. I know I certainly did! It felt as if the years just washed away and we were back where we had been all those years ago. She will always be remembered as my very dear friend and never forgotten. God bless you Margaret. Your friend Christine (Walker)Harris